Video Collections

  • 7 Chakras

    The energy in our bodies usually flows through the channels especially through the 7 main focal points. These 7 points are named as 7 chakras and ...
  • Birthstones 2

    We are happy to share about the Birthstones with you. There is also a Part 1 of this topic in this website! You can check it out! Hope you got the...
  • Birthstones Part-1

    The history of Birthstones is shown in the second book of the Bible as the breastplate of a high priest, Aaron, which contains twelve gemstones. They had their own religious origins and meanings like communicating with Gods.

    Later in the modern days, these stones are assigned according to birth months. There is also a saying that the tradition began in Poland whereas this belief can also be found in Hindu traditions. 

    Birthstones are gemstones which can represent and enhance people’s personalities or sentiments with their colors, or which can also be kept to heal mind, body and soul by using them accurately.