Gems for students

We all know that August is the last month for kids to relax before they go back to school, and it is better that they prepare ahead of time and relax as much as they can before their upcoming studies. So, today we chose the topic
“Best Gemstones for Students”
to share the information with you guys!!!

But do we always realize what stones are good for study? Or maybe for healing from school stress?

Most students face challenges in school, sometimes about the subjects and assignments, and sometimes about people around them. In order to help with that, let’s just dive into the list!!!

The first one is Amethyst which is a very good stone for promoting calm, serenity and spirituality. This stone can help students with addiction and stress and calm their fear of exams or people. Parents who want their kids to sleep soundly, especially without nightmares, can put Amethyst under the kids’ pillows or beside their beds. To be exact, focusing on the study for a long time, or using screens too much time would lead to eyes’ problems and headaches so that you can use the violet Amethyst or deep purple one. Also Girls can use this to nourish their hair and scalp. Moreover, the stone also works well for those who want to be relieved from depression.

Following is Agate, and it is one of the popular gemstones among parents since the stone has an ability to protect children from accidents. It can be used to prevent eye, skin and intestine problems, or against blood disorders. Most believe that Agate is good for recharging our energy by using healing methods and the stone together, and for increasing both mental and physical strength.Mostly, people hold them in a hand while meditating or practicing mindfulness. Additionally, Agate has an interesting power which is used for gardening because this stone can increase the plant's fertility and health like it works for our body.

The next one is Carnelian: an orange colored variety of gemstones, which stimulates metabolism and helps reproductive organs. All in all, it is also known as the Singer’s Stone as it clarifies voice and sound. Carnelian is the stone for boosting your confidence and self-esteem so that it is suited with students who want to speak up more about their value, and who want to have creative ideas more. Otherwise, people believe that the stone can work as a guard for the home against theft, fire, storm or accident. You can just put the stone in front of your door or hang it at the door.

Then, Sodalite, and the meaning of this stone is communication and poetry. Sodalite can be a throat chakra stone, and it can be used as a tool for encouraging yourself to speak up more and as a support in expressing your thoughts and ideas. It also helps with the throat problems. The stone makes you see the beauty in life and embrace it. People also believe that Sodalite is a very useful stone for exams since the stone can calm your anxiety and worry. It also supports your memory to be sharper and last longer. People wear it as a necklace or a bracelet to keep them near.

Last but not least, there is also Lapis Lazuli: a royal blue mixed with gold flecks rock, formed by Lazurite, Sodalite, Calcite and Pyrite minerals. It stimulates the desire for knowledge, intellectual ability and understanding so it is very useful for students in learning. Also known as the Wisdom Stone with a rich history of royalty and artists. Lapis can reveal inner truths of yourself so that you can understand yourself more. Understanding what we need and what we want can encourage us to move forward. Moreover, Lapis Lazuli brings calm and loving communication for a home with temperamental teenagers.

Of course, gemstones can support students or people as a part, however, it is also important that students themselves should try to live in a balance system. So that the result would be the best quality!

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