Labor Day Special Gemstones

Dear our beloved customers, Labor Day is here.

We would like to honor all the staff and employees for their dedication, hard work and contributions to the institutions they are working for. We all know that work takes 2/3 of our life and we are always looking out for better opportunities. That also means searching for new jobs with more rooms to grow or sitting for competent interviews to get promoted. 

Today, in celebration of Labor Day, we would like to share interesting facts about some natural gemstones that can bring you good luck and new fortune. By keeping those gemstones with you during interview process, you will unlock extra help and support from unseen powers. In turn, you will outshine other candidates and secure the position that is meant for you.

Let’s start with Smoky Quartz. It is an excellent grounding stone that relieves stress, anxiety, and panic attacks. If you or someone you know has to speak in front of an audience, Smoky Quartz can be used as a talisman to overcome the daunting stage fright. This smoky color gemstone can help your mind calm and make you confident. 

If Smoky Quartz is used together with Citrine, the benefits will be multiplied because Citrine is also an amazing gemstone which can enhance more wealth and luck.  If you would like to have a promotion at your work, Citrine is doubtlessly the best. 

Another gemstone you should look into is a rare type of Agate which is known as Eye Agate. Eye Agate exhibits one or more round concentric markings known as ‘eyes’ and that’s how it got the name. This special stone will protect you from negative vibes and dark energies. By having Eye Agate with you,  you will not only be protected against misfortunes but also receive guidance from divine powers.

The next gemstone is for people who need support in communication and who want to solve arguments at work. I bet you would want this Kunzite for sure if you need wisdom and understanding. Keeping this stone with you will make you a sociable and likable person which in turn will lessen unwanted frictions with your colleagues. Kunzite usually comes in rosy pink color, but sometimes violet and deep magenta. 

Finally, after a long day at work, you would want to rest and recharge yourself from draining conditions, right? Then, you should consider Tiger’s Eye. Tiger’s Eye is a form of quartz and contains shades of yellow, red and blue. It is a warm stone that helps the wearer overcome fears while ensuring both mental and physical strength. The stone can also remove your fatigue and fill you with positive energy inside. 

So, dear beloved customers, please remember that we are always here to help you with choosing the right natural gemstones. You can customize your own design with your favorite stones at our store! If you want one of a kind jewelry, look no further. Ruby Mo Mo Jewelry is hands down the right place for you.

Thank you so much and we wish you have a happy Labor Day!

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